
Hidden Factors that Make Tree Moving a Tricky Proposition

At first blush, it would seem that tree moving is a fairly straightforward proposition. After all, how hard can it be to dig up a tree and replant it somewhere else? As it turns out, tree moving is anything but simple. In fact, there are a number of hidden factors that can make the process quite difficult, even for experienced tree movers. Visit for additional information.

What To Check?

  1. The Size of the Tree: One of the most important factors in determining whether or not a tree can be successfully moved is its size. Trees can range in size from just a few feet tall to over 100 feet tall. Obviously, the taller the tree, the more difficult it will be to move. This is due to both the weight of the tree and the difficulty in getting sufficient leverage to dig it up.
  1. 2. The Type of Tree: Another important factor is the type of tree. Some trees, such as evergreens, have shallow root systems that make them relatively easy to move. Other trees, such as Oaks and Maples, have deep taproots that can make them much more difficult (if not impossible) to move successfully.
  1. The Age of the Tree: You might think that younger trees would be easier to move than older ones, but that’s not always the case. Younger trees often haven’t had time to develop a strong root system, which can make them more susceptible to being uprooted during the moving process. Older trees, on the other hand, while they may have deeper roots, are also more likely to have been weakened by disease or pests.
  1. The Location of the Tree: The location of the tree is also an important factor to consider. If the tree is located in an open field with few obstacles, it will be much easier to move than if it’s located in a densely wooded area with thick underbrush. Likewise, if the tree is located near power lines or buildings, special care will need to be taken to avoid damaging them during the move.
  1. The Time of Year: Believe it or not, when you move a tree also matters. Moving a tree during its dormant season (winter for deciduous trees and summer for evergreens) is generally recommended as this is when the tree is least stressed and less likely to be damaged during transport.


As you can see, tree moving is not a task to take lightly. There are many hidden factors that can make the process much more complicated than it first appears. To ensure a successful move, it’s important to consider all of these factors before attempting to relocate your tree. With the right expertise and preparation, however, you can be sure that your tree will safely find its new home with minimal disruption to its surroundings.